Saturday, December 13, 2008

God is real

Today was a great day. Had to go for physio in the morning. I just hope my injury gets better.

Did nothing till evening then was supposed to go meet Alex they all at Newton MRT at like 5.30pm but they came late.. I'm always the one waiting for people to arrive cause I always try my best to arrive on time. Anyway, the event was great! I had alot of fun eventually. It was an EYE OPENER! Haha! All the people singing are so talented. Sometimes I wish God would bless me with such talents. Anyway the message by the man today didn't really speak much to me. It was basically just reinforcement of what I already know about God.

I know God is real but somehow I just choose to ignore that fact. It's so stupid but that's what I've been doing the entire while. I'm just denying the presence of God and living the kind of life that I want to live which is really foolish. Initially I felt bad about it but as time passed by I guess I just started getting used to it and it became a norm.

Anyway yesterday was quite good too. Met Jerome in the evening and we went for supper. Had a really good talk with each other till pretty late. He's been my friend for like 11 years already and he's like a brother to me. Thank God for you.

The idea of living in Australia on my own is pretty exciting and scary. I'll blog about how I feel about that tomorrow.

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