Sunday, June 08, 2008

Knock Knock, Who's There?

That's the title of today's sermon.

Ok, actually today I didn't feel like going to church today but in the end I went so thank God. I sort of had to drag myself out of the house.

Service was basically about being a "Surprise Ambassador" for Christ. There are basically 3 steps to becoming an ambassador of Christ.

1. By being there
2. By speaking to Jesus
3. By leading people

Worshiping God really feels quite foreign to me now. It's like I don't enjoy singing and dancing as much as before. I really have to step into church and have this preparedness to worship. But thankfully I still give my tithing though I haven't been giving for the past few months.

Anyway after church met Jerome at Tiong Baruh Plaza which has changed alot from last time to go to Commonwealth. By the time we reached which was at 6pm, no one was there. Most were at Anfield. Had dinner at Koufu and left shortly after that after Alden and the rest came. Didn't really want to go because of... (Go figure!)

Anyway I hurt my knee today. It's really pain. My knee hit against the wall and when I move it I can feel the pain.

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