Thursday, May 08, 2008

Hmm.. Sick with bad sore throat/cough. It seriously hurts.

What a day it is. Was actually. Same routine, woke up at 7.20am showered and off to school! I've been thinking alot recently about those good old Fairfield days. It would be wake up at 5.50am, bathe, go down to Jerome's house at 6.20am and if he is asleep wake him up. His uncle then drives us to school and we enter the gate to school. Ahh.. Those were the days. And then I will meet Fairsians at the covered place and we will sit there and copy homework, piss Matthew off, look at Alden catching glimpses of ****, Alex acting like some "Dua Pai" cause he gotta collect the register. Kidding about that "Dua Pai" part. Joel gaying about. People studying. I have to admit single time I went to the locker, I went with the hopes of meeting her and 2 out of 10 times I really do meet her. Most of the time I will know when I'm going to meet her and I will plan what to do/say. Crafty eii!

Hmm.. Those days seems so far now. I'm not very close with my poly class yet though. There is like this Elite 4 thing where they are like the pro clique. To some of my classmates I am anti-social cause I keep disappearing during lectures etc. But I made some interesting friends there. Ok lecture was Dota time again. Sadly. Ok, for project I was like stuck with 4 girls. My gosh man.. It was seriously quite awkward for me. At first, I thought what would people think of me. Like was I some flirt or maybe some sissy. Lol. But in the end I was reminded that I don't have to really care what people think of me as long as I know myself. Sometimes its hard.

Well, soccer at Anfield was sian cause of the Sepak Takrau gang. They are really quite irritating but yet somewhere deep inside I kind of pity them cause its like a free court and all and we are really being quite an ass at times. Well... Gotta do Macroecons!! Save me!

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