Saturday, March 07, 2009


Alright, I know that I haven't been updating regularly but that's cause I've been so busy with work and stuff. I don't know, it always seems like I can't find time to blog.

Anyway, school finally started on Monday. I chose Chemistry, Math 1 and Math 2. The way English works here is quite cool. They like separate it into 2 different sections namely Drama and Literature. It's really different from Singapore's system. There's also English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and History of Ideas (HOI). If I have to choose one subject that I really dislike it would be HOI. It's abit like History back in Singapore. Oh well, you know what I've been learning in Maths is seriously so weird. 2 + 3 = 5 right? Not anymore, it can equal to 2 or some crap like that. It's all new to me so yea, there's alot of catching up to do. It still doesn't really feel like school though, it's a new experience for me.

The past few days have been so so cold and it's authum only. Oh yea, cold is ok just that when it rains it tends to get really uncomfortable. I don't know I'm enjoying myself here but I'm missing Singapore.

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