Thursday, March 26, 2009


Ok I know I haven't really been updating much these past few days. Life's been pretty busy, I can never find the time to blog. There hasn't been much inspiration to blog either, I mean I used to be able to blog about my day but it's like routine now and I can't blog about it everyday right? Yea, it's not a bad routine. I'm actually enjoying myself here. I've been slacking off abit too much recently though. Haven't really been on my books. Ironically Math 2 is easier than Math 1. Math 1 contains 'O' Level stuff which I have completely forgotten about! Wow, trigonometry can be such a bitch. Haha, oh well. Exams are coming really really soon. My first paper is on the 4th of April and it's Math 1!! I'll be coming back really soon again, like on the 10th of April.

There's so much stuff I want to do when I'm back in Singapore! I do miss home cooked food so so much. I used to be like it's the same thing everyday but here I am craving for it now. Life is seriously full of irony. You know they say the grass is always greener on the other side? I have to agree with that.

I do miss playing soccer! It's been like 2-3 weeks since I've last played soccer. Hopefully the game this Saturday is still on. Can't wait to get back to Singapore to play though, I really miss playing there.

My walk with God as usual hasn't been that great but I'm trying. Yea, that's all for today! Seeya!

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