Friday, March 27, 2009

Amber pacific

Ahhh, Math 1 seriously sucks! I have so much to catch up with. This really sucks, I'm like gonna pay attention in all lectures from now on. Most of the time it's not that I don't wanna listen in lecture but it's just that I keep falling asleep. I guess you could relate that to a lack of discipline. Oh well, I'm pretty lost in Math 1. There's Chemistry lecture later and it the Chemistry lectures seriously suck. It's like you can't help but fall asleep. Even mints can't keep you awake there.

Well, at least there's OCF to look forward to later. OCF is like this weekly church bible study thing. That's one thing to look forward to. Which reminds me, I've yet to prepare for bible study later. Haha, it's always nice to know that Grace is undeserved. I mean it's times when life is like crap where you see yourself for who you are really are.

Back to studies, I really have to start working hard. I'm not good at humanities and here I am taking so many of them. I have History of Ideas, English which consists of literature and some other crap. There's drama also! OH SHUCKSS, I screwed up my mime yesterday. I only got 7.5/10 and everyone else got like 8+, some even 9. Luckily it's not graded this time. Next time I'll prepare harder.

You know, I've sort of forgotten what it's like to be in Singapore already. I've grown so accustomed to the life over here. Can't wait to go back to Singapore though!

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