Saturday, February 03, 2007

yea, so today i went to the church thinggy.. don't know what it's called though. amazing how God works in our lives. for example, while waiting at the bus stop, i saw this small boy helping people who were running after the bus to flag the bus so that the bus would stop. then i thought to myself, why could'nt i have done it. haha. the i realized that often it is fear of what people would think of us often stops us from doing what is right! yea, today in church had a really really great time of worship and the message really touched my heart especially the part about the 15 year old girl preaching! she is amazing, if only i got to hear 1 of her sermons. yea, reached home pretty late today, 11.30? yea.. didn't go to school today, pretty sick since yesterday actually. ya so it's time to rest so seeya!

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