Monday, February 05, 2007

to any christians who ever read this, please pray that i'll have discipline to do my work consistently!

yea, did not go to church yesterday due to some family outing on sending my cousin off to aus! he 's gonna study there for, 2 years? haha! only gonna get to see him end of year! after that met my friend at popular, bought some school books and an iPod sleeve! :) looks nice and it's a 1 size fit all kind of thing. hah, then went to catch miss potter. nice show, pretty touching. after that, went home and showered. did some a'math questions on binomial. quite lagging behind already must catch up asap. ya, so that's it for yesterday i guess.

today, nothing much happened. only highlight for today is tuition at 7. gotta travel all the way to holland la! but worth the journey for good tuition. hah! yea gotta catch up on my design portfolio as well or else i'll have to attend ETAS! HOPEFULLY, i get to go for a haircut tomorrow. my hair is getting real real long! God bless ME

and YOU!:)

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